Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017

Tips Modifikasi Motor Honda CB Jadi Lebih Gagah Modifikasi Motor honda CB adalah satu diantara koleksi wajib bagi orang yang suka mengoleksi motor jadul. Honda CB 100 yang di produksi oleh honda motor pada tahun 1971 sampai 198 ini, masih terus eksis sampai sekarang. dan mamiliki ribuan penggemar.  Motor ini menjadi koleksi yang keren apalagi jika dimodifikasi sehingga tampak lebih fresh dan gak jadul lagi.

Bagi Anda yang masih awam tentang modifikasi honda CB 100 ini, berikut kami sajikan sedikit tips dasar untuk memodifikasi motor Honda CB 100 Anda menjadi lebih keren dan nyaman ditunggangii di jalanan. Anda bisa memilih apakah Anda ingin memodifikasi secara sederhana atau berat, sesuai keinginan Anda:

Modif ringan:

  1. Caranya yaitu dengan memperbesar cc motor honda CB 100. Piston bisa diganti dengan milik CB125/GL125 maksimum miliki GL Pro. Kemudian liner/boringnya juga diganti yg lebih besar agar lebih aman. Berikutnya menambah stroke/langkah piston, caranya dengan memindah pin setang seher yg bawah lebih menjorok keluar dengan batas aman 4 mm.
  2. Ganti pengapian motor Honda CB100 dengan CDI Shogun. CB100 asli yang masih memakai Accu, lebih baik diganti agar apinya lebih besar. Untuk merubah dari platina ke CDI bisa denga 2 cara, yang pertama dengan menempelkan pulser di bekas dudukan platina, namun cara ini kurang aman. Yang kedua dengan menempelkan pulser di As Kruk. Caranya dengan memotong plat besi seukuran 1×1,5 cm dengan tebal 2 mm. Las di as kruk bagian bawah, dan las juga / buat dudukan buat pulsernya. Jarak pulser dan plat tadi 1,5 mm. Pemasangan CDI menurut kabel yg dimiliki tiap CDI tersebut. Ada juga tambahan dengan ambil magnet + spul milik grand/supra dan tempelkan di dudukan magnet yg lama (perlu modif dikit). Kemudian buat coakan di blok sebelah kiri. Bisa dengan minta bantuan ke las alumunium untuk dudukan pulsernya.
  3. Karburator tentu minta spuyer yg lebih besar, tapi tentunya lebih baik diganti dengan punya Honda yang lain seperti GLpro atau tiger, atau yamaha RX juga boleh, tapi harus buat dudukan sendiri.

Modif Berat

Untuk modif ini intinya sama dengan yg diatas, tapi biasanya dengan mengambil satu set blok kop milik GL Max/pro .Kemudian piston juga bisa menerapkan milik Honda Tiger, namun syaratnya baut dudukan kop mesin ikut diubah. Magnet bisa dihilangkan bila aplikasi CDI DC dengan aki kering.Yang agak susah bagian rantai keteng, bisa cari bekas punya GLMax/Pro yg justru sudah molor. Bila sproket belakang standar, gigi sekunder satu ama dua bisa diganti. Atau jika tetap, sproket belakangnya harus dikecilkan. Untuk trek panjang cukup dengan gear set CB100, tapi untuk trek pendek dan patah-patah lebih baik gunakan gear set GL100.

Sekian Tips Modifikasi Motoro Honda CB Jadi Lebih Gagah dari, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca semuanya, tunggu artikel selanjutnya.

Senin, 31 Juli 2017

Moditikasi Motor Vixion Paling Keren buat anda pengguna motor new vixion lightning, new vixion advance atau untuk old vixion mungkin motor tersebut adalah motor yang memiliki desain yang cukup bagus, keren ditambah lagi dengan performance mesin yang cukup mumpuni sehingga anda memutuskan untuk membeli motor vixion ini hehe, karena setiap orang dalam memilih motor dan membeli motor pasti punya alasan yang berbeda beda dan kembali lagi ke pada kebutuhan dan kemampuan dalam membelinya. ini beberapa contoh gambar motor vixion yang sudah di modifikasi sedemikian rupa

Modifikasi sedikit yang hanya mengganti ban kecil, menurunkan sedikit shok depan dan mengganti setang yang lebih kecil

ini motor vixion full modifikasi bagi kalian kalian yang mempunya hobi memodifikasi motor dan tentu saja mempunyai uang, karena tanpa uang, kita tidak bisa memodifikasi motor kita bukan, hehehe

dan ini modifikasi motor vixion yang keren, tapi itu menurut saya sih, hehehe
sekian dulu pembahasan tentang Modifikasi Motor Vixion Paling Keren yang disajikan tunggu update selanjutnya yang tidak kalah keren dari ini, terima kasih

Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

How Can New Motorcycle Gear Improve My Ride?

He had been riding for over 20 years when his entire world changed. Troy De Baca, a motorcyclist from Denver, was swept up in a motorcycle crash. The experience was such a nightmare that the longtime rider was afraid to get back on his bike. But instead of letting his fear conquer him, De Baca stepped up and tried to find a solution instead.

To try to solve the problem of motorcyclists getting into crashes, De Baca devised an invention. However, he's not the only motorcyclist to come up with a high-tech solution to this very serious and common problem.

Hi-Tech Motorcycle Gear to Improve Your Ride

· SignalWear- The product Troy De Baca came up with is called SignalWear. This smartgear integrates a turn signal into the back of a motorcycle glove to improve a rider's visibility to other motorists. The light can be activated by a switch built into the thumb and forefinger of the glove, or it can be activated remotely by a SignalBox. The SignalBox connects to your motorcycle's turn signal and then wirelessly communicates with the gloves as you ride.

· Roame Zeros- Motorcyclists have many products geared toward their safety, but some of these products are downright uncomfortable. That's why the makers of Roame Zeros developed their own special motorcycling shoe. These shoes are made for comfort and safety. Designed with anti-abrasive leather and with D30 armor panels. It would be hard to get hurt while wearing these shoes, but the makers didn't stop there. They integrated brake lights and turn signals into these shoes, adding a new dimension to the already safety conscious kicks.

· BrakeFree- The next piece of tech on our list is the BrakeFree. This handy device attaches to your helmet and lights up whenever you slow down. This brings your brake light to eye level with other motorists. Using an algorithm, BrakeFree detects when you decelerate, so it doesn't have to be connected to your motorcycle. That means if you press the brakes, downshift or engine brake, BrakeFree will still light up to let motorists know you're slowing down.

· Cosmo Connected- Like the BrakeFree helmet light, the Cosmo Connected lights up when you brake, but this little helmet add-on has an extra surprise. It connects to your phone using Bluetooth and can send a text message to emergency services, or anyone you designate, with your location should you get into a crash.

· Sena 20S- The Sena 20S is the motorcycle communicator of the future. It claims the ability to connect to other Sena headsets to allow riders to talk to each other while riding. However, that's not this device's only trick. It can also connect to your smartphone, allowing you to stream music and answer phone calls while on the go.

· NUVIZ- This piece of amazing tech attaches to your helmet and works as a heads-up display. You can see your speed or even use the unit's onboard GPS to navigate. This allows riders to not only never get lost, but they don't have to stop in order to safely view a map. This device will also link to your phone, stream music, and take pictures or video as you ride.

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

ECU Remapping: Why and How It Improves Performance of The Car today's era, chip constitutes an important mechanism of your car and plays an interesting role in remapping the engine control unit (ECU) of your car. Mechanically, the main objective of ECU is to make smooth flow of air and fuel throughout your vehicle, generate high pressure and improve its performance in form of acceleration and fuel efficiency. Remapping the engine control unit completely changes the functioning of engine and facilitates you to determine its working according to your requirements.

Now the question might arise in your mind that why a person will need to remap the Engine Control Unit of his car, if he is enjoying its flawless drive without any issue. Well, an answer to this question can be to enjoy the hidden powers of his car. Being a layman, you must be unaware about the functioning of ECU, so it may be defined as heart of the engine installed in your car whose main function is to control the working different components while driving. The settings of these components are determined according to mechanism of the car so that it offers smooth performance to its driver

This setting is basically determined according to climatic and driving conditions prevailing in different countries across the world. As most of the car lovers are normal drivers they do not pay much attention towards all these aspects while buying their favorite car, because their main requirements from their car are fuel efficiency and integration of contemporary features and safety features.

Whereas, on the other side there are car enthusiasts for whom a car means a device which they are entitled to use according to their wishes by using its all potentials. But, as those potentials are not configured in the car which they drive in their continent they are not able to enjoy its drive according to their wish. With remapping the ECU, today be redefining the settings of different components with help of a small chip they can get rid of this problem.

During the remapping the new chip or software is configured in the serial port of the car for rewriting the setting of engine with new code that are mentioned in the software. The process of remapping is almost the same for both petrol and diesel variants.

Benefits of ECU Remapping:

1.    Increase in Power and Performance: The remapping of ECU results an improvement power and fuel efficiency of your car. It would be interested to know that remapping of diesel variant offers much better results as compared to petrol variant. The rewritten ECU offers improved fuel efficiency, improved ignition timings and optimizes the overall performance of your vehicle.

2.    Enhances the Aesthetics of Your Car: The ECU remapping is not restricted only in determining the settings of engine but also refers to determining the settings of different components like exhaust system, braking system etc. Because to enjoy improved performance of engine it is mandatory that these components should also be compatible according to engine's setting to offer better response.

Things to consider while remapping the ECU:

1.    Always prefer to buy the chip from the maker that offers substantial warranty on the software.Before installing the chip in ECU make sure that it is compatible to make of your car and its engine.

3.    It would be better to remap the car that is empowered with turbocharged engine in both petrol and diesel variants.

4.    Although remapping do not affects the insurance of your vehicle, but still it would be better to inform your insurance company about it, so that it might follow the instructions according to standards determined in your country.

5.    Before remapping, make sure that the other components of your car are also in good condition to response simultaneously to remapped settings

In today's era, chip constitutes an important mechanism of your car and plays an interesting role in remapping the engine control unit (ECU) of your car. Mechanically, the main objective of ECU is to make smooth flow of air and fuel throughout your vehicle, generate high pressure and improve its performance in form of acceleration and fuel efficiency. Remapping the engine control unit completely changes the functioning of engine and facilitates you to determine its working according to your requirements.

Now the question might arise in your mind that why a person will need to remap the Engine Control Unit of his car, if he is enjoying its flawless drive without any issue. Well, an answer to this question can be to enjoy the hidden powers of his car. Being a layman, you must be unaware about the functioning of ECU, so it may be defined as heart of the engine installed in your car whose main function is to control the working different components while driving. The settings of these components are determined according to mechanism of the car so that it offers smooth performance to its driver.

This setting is basically determined according to climatic and driving conditions prevailing in different countries across the world. As most of the car lovers are normal drivers they do not pay much attention towards all these aspects while buying their favorite car, because their main requirements from their car are fuel efficiency and integration of contemporary features and safety features.

Whereas, on the other side there are car enthusiasts for whom a car means a device which they are entitled to use according to their wishes by using its all potentials. But, as those potentials are not configured in the car which they drive in their continent they are not able to enjoy its drive according to their wish. With remapping the ECU, today be redefining the settings of different components with help of a small chip they can get rid of this problem.

During the remapping the new chip or software is configured in the serial port of the car for rewriting the setting of engine with new code that are mentioned in the software. The process of remapping is almost the same for both petrol and diesel variants
Benefits of ECU Remapping:

1. Increase in Power and Performance: The remapping of ECU results an improvement power and fuel efficiency of your car. It would be interested to know that remapping of diesel variant offers much better results as compared to petrol variant. The rewritten ECU offers improved fuel efficiency, improved ignition timings and optimizes the overall performance of your vehicle.

2.  Enhances the Aesthetics of Your Car: The ECU remapping is not restricted only in determining the settings of engine but also refers to determining the settings of different components like exhaust system, braking system etc. Because to enjoy improved performance of engine it is mandatory that these components should also be compatible according to engine's setting to offer better response.

Things to consider while remapping the ECU:

1. Always prefer to buy the chip from the maker that offers substantial warranty on the software.

2.  Before installing the chip in ECU make sure that it is compatible to make of your car and its engine.

3.  It would be better to remap the car that is empowered with turbocharged engine in both petrol and diesel variants.

4.  Although remapping do not affects the insurance of your vehicle, but still it would be better to inform your insurance company about it, so that it might follow the instructions according to standards determined in your country.

5.  Before remapping, make sure that the other components of your car are also in good condition to response simultaneously to remapped settings.