Data traffic accident throughout 2012 released by Metro Jaya Police posted traffic accident, the main actors children under the age of 16 happened as many as 104 cases. And at the end of 2013 alone, the case is hottest deadly accident that happened in Jagorawi Toll Road some time ago, where one of the sons of famous musicians in the Homeland that was still 13-year-old fatal accident, a car sportnya. An accident was not only hurt the children who navigate cars but also has led to become victims of the other side.
A few months earlier, the same happened in the highway Cipularang Toll Road where a 18-year-old girls lost control car that he was drivng plunging into time to encourage was in the high speed. In fact, through social networks that they possess, the young girls was known is often displayed speed of a car that he drove at the moment is raced ahead.
Two incidents can at least represents a conclusion that in order to mengedarai vehicles, especially cars, not only needed a certain age limit to get through a single legality of a Driving License (SIM) , but the most important factor is the need for maturity.
Because through factors maturity, every driver is not only able to recognize condition and the disekelilingnya, but was able to understand each risk from every action that has been done when he was behind a wheel vehicle that is his.
To limiting or even eliminate number of drivers who are still under-age commonly used in the streets, role of parents as Similar people seems to become very important.
Giving the Culture vehicle or teach and allow children to drive, both two-wheel and four-wheel, in particular moment for the moment such as the anniversary of and others, it seems that must be changed or even be eliminated. Clear Reasons clearly have a negative impact of this culture driving in our country loved ones. If necessary, teaching children beloved on how to drive is good and right and responsible.
And seeiring cheap car program the launching environment-friendly (LCGC) where selling cars to more affordable, the parents should be applied more thoughtful again by not buying a car-rental LCGC was as presents to your children. Because it is not happiness that will you give, but it can be evil that harm.
We hope that more terjangkaunya rates four-wheel vehicle in the Homeland does not immediately increase the number of drivers under-age that pass through it demanded, so that it does not add nor the number of the accidents involving children under age as the culprit.
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